Our Story

Our Mission

To bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to our nation and the nations of the world. Our focus will be evangelical missions abroad as well as local missions to reach the lost and encourage the poor in spirit. To strengthen the foundation of the Kingdom of Heaven by discipling and teaching our brothers and sisters in Christ to walk out their God given gifts and talents to glory King Jesus.

Daniel & Melissa Wisniewski

Daniel and I met and married in 2016. We both loved the Lord and desired to follow Him, but we were still very broken people. In the first few years of our marriage, we really struggled with our past habits and hurts.

We were serving in our local church and decided to take a class called Freedom that would help us heal and be set free from that heaviness. Upon completing Freedom, the Holy Spirit nudged us to lead the class ourselves. It transformed our lives and ignited our passion to serve the Lord and His Kingdom!

After four years, we felt God moving us in a new direction. Before Daniel and I had met, we both felt we were called to missions. In October of 2022, Psalms 2:8 was spoken over us by our dear friends and mentors. In December of 2023, we took the step of faith and officially started Claim The Nations Ministries.

Daniel and I are passionate about global missions, local missions, holiday outreach, discipleship, and teaching. We see this as just the beginning of what the Lord has called us to do. We recently launched a new discipleship curriculum at our local church and have plans to go on an evangelical crusade in fall of 2024! We want to be willing vessels for everything that God has for us!

— Melissa Wisniewski